When Should You Change Your Mattress?

One-third of our life is spent in bed. It can be said that the use rate of mattresses is very high and the use time is also long.

If you encounter the following situations, it is recommended to consider replacing the mattress.

  1. Moving to a new house, newly married

Facing the advent of a new life, choosing a new mattress can bring a new atmosphere and change to life, which is a sense of ritual of life

In home feng shui, replacing an old bed with a new one also has a positive meaning of transshipment.

  1. Waking up often with back pain

If the quality of sleep gradually decreases, you often suffer from insomnia, light sleep, or you always wake up with back pain and lack of sleep, it may be due to insufficient support of the mattress.

When the mattress cannot properly support the weight of the body, it is impossible to maintain the human body in a horizontal and relaxed sleeping position. The muscles need to constantly support the body during sleep. Therefore, a mattress lacking in support will not only greatly affect the quality of sleep, but also make it easier to sleep lightly. In addition to being bad, it is easy to get back pain when getting up.

  1. Often allergic itching

If you always feel itchy and sneezing when lying in bed.

It means that the mattress may accumulate many dust mite allergens, which will not only make you sleep restlessly, but also easily aggravate the symptoms of allergies.

When even frequent sheets cannot be resolved, it may be better to suggest replacing the mattress.Also read:Best Mattresses for College Students

  1. The mattress collapsed, damaged, and the inner material was exposed

If the mattress has been severely collapsed, tilted or springs are exposed, it is recommended to replace the mattress immediately to avoid accidents during sleep.

  1. The mattress has been used for more than 10-15 years

If the mattress has been used for more than 10 years, it is recommended to consider replacing the mattress to maintain healthy sleep.

Mattresses are daily consumables. No matter how good the quality of the mattress is, it will still wear and collapse after daily use. In addition, the mattress is not easy to move and easy to accumulate bacteria. If the mattress has been used for more than 15 years, it is recommended to replace it with a new mattress.

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