1 thought on “How can the dogs do not urinate at home”

  1. How can the dogs do not urinate at home
    how to make the dog do not urinate at home. If you have a dog that often urinate around the house, then you already know how troublesome it is. Train your dog as soon as possible to urinate to prevent it from urinating in the house. How can the following sharing allow the dog to urinate at home?
    How to make the dog do not urinate at home 1 to prevent the dog from urinating in the house
    1. Take the dog outside before urinating
    Smelling on the ground, hovering without leaving it, even raised their legs (for male dogs) before deciding to urinate. Once you see these behaviors on the dog, bring it outside. If the dog peees outside, you praise it as a dog, or even reward them. Peeling.
    The key to successfully execute this step depends on whether you can stop it before it pee.

    2. Preventing them during urination
    If it starts to pee without any symptoms, it must quickly attract their attention, for example: call it loudly, clap or throw them, throw throw Things causing it to pay attention to it, which can temporarily prevent it from urination.
    The quickly bring your dog's house, where they can continue to pee. Once completed, give praise or snacks to encourage them to pee outside the house.
    The urinating urination may be relatively cumbersome, but punishment will not have any benefits, because they will not understand what they do wrong. Therefore, instead of punishing it in the house, it is better to praise them to urinate outside.
    3. Get rid of the smell
    Is you may have wiped off the urine on the floor, but you will still leave some odors. You may not smell any smell, but your dog will smell it. Because the dog has a stronger sense of smell, it will make them pee again in the same place after smelling the taste of urine.
    This will also make them think that this is the "appropriate place" of their peeing. In order to prevent this, you can try to use the following methods:
    Mymus juice mix water with lemon and spray it on the floor or carpet. Because the dog does not like the irritating taste, this method can not only avoid the dog is in the dog is in The urine in the house can also make the house emit a pleasant smell.

    This Dogs do not like the powerful smell of isopropanol, so you can use it once a week when cleaning the home. Because of antibacterial performance, it can be disinfected with urinating areas.

    The white vinegar dog cannot tolerate the smell of acetic acid, so they should avoid areas with acetic acid smell. Therefore, you can mix vinegar and water, and you can also spray in the area where you urinate to neutralize the area.

    4. Guan cage
    For some people, it seems poor for some people, but this method is actually very effective because dogs do not like in their own private space Pelement to maintain a comfortable sleep environment. So the time to pull my dog's urine is almost the same, so I brought it out. This is easier to train dogs to urinate outside.

    This dogs are sometimes tired and the results are not satisfactory. Training the fixed point of training dogs take a period of time to get satisfactory results. Therefore, you need enough patience and consistency to get the best results.
    How to make the dog do not urinate at home. One: It is very suitable for puppies and newly-home puppies. We can prepare 1-2 newspapers or pet diapers and dog toilets. It is best to stool or urinate before the dog, and then spray some pets to discharge the induction agent on it. And the newspaper diaper or toilet must be placed in the future where you want the dog to defecate, do not change a place a day. Don't take a dog to play.
    Because the dog did not know that the urinary pads or dog toilets on the ground were paved to defecate, and some dogs would tear it to tear it. However, be sure to dip it on it or spray an inducer after urinating. When you see the dog's signs of poop, hold the dog on the diapers or dog toilets. When it has the taste of the excrement before it, it will slowly go to the toilet on it or nearby.
    of course, this process was a little bit bitter at first, because we have to stay next to it to prevent the dog from running away. We must immediately take it back until the bowel movement is over. After we defecated the dog for about 3 days, we slowly reduced the diapers newspapers. The two turned one size, and in a few days became half size, and finally the newspaper was slowly canceled.
    The most important thing is the place where the position cannot be changed or the past. If it is used with a dog toilet, so that the dog will know that it is used for it for more than a week. At the beginning, we must choose a place you want to fix the dogs. It can be fixed on the balcony or bathroom. The premise is that the dog can get in in the future!

    In don't put the urine pad or dog toilet in the bedroom today, and change to the balcony tomorrow, so that the dogs will shot a shot and change a place. Intersection If your dog accidentally stools in other places in the room, you must use vinegar or rivals to disinfect the stool and wipe the stool position clean, otherwise the dog may be pulled in the past!
    Note: The beginning of the week is particularly important. After we feed, we must see that the dog is smelling and turning around. The dog is pulled. Or we can use a paper towel to dip a little dogs in a food bag.
    Mosted a few mouths of food bags, which is convenient for the smell inside. Every time I see a dog, I will fix the food bag in the balcony or toilet, keep it next to let the dog smell it, and I will not take it away until I finish it. Just the bag. The above method is suitable for puppies who are not full or unable to go out.
    Method two: Some people buy the dog vaccine that can be brought out directly, or the semi -adult dogs bought, the stray dogs picked up, etc. We can use this method. Every time you feed the dogs, bring them out directly from the house. This method is the most effective and clean and hygienic. You can walk the dog by the way. After feeding the puppy, I immediately took out from the house and found a fixed position to stop and let it play until it was pulled home.
    The dogs may be pulled in a few minutes, but some may take several hours. If the dog has not been pulling, we can take a food bag containing dogs in a way 1. Put on a fixed place outside and let it play next to it. Over time, take it to play and urinate every time after feeding, and the dog will understand and develop the habit of going out.
    Note: At first, it is best to fix a place or section for dogs to play and poop. Don't take to the door of the house in the morning. Take the school road again at night, and tomorrow is the station road. It is best to fix one place in the early stage. You can wait for it to finish it ~ If you do n’t pull it for a long time, you can try to change a place for the dog!
    How to make the dog do not urinate at home. It is necessary to wait until 4 or 5 months before the dog will start to learn to stool. When it is 6 or 7 months old, it will not be convenient at home ...
    It if your home is an adult dog, then you To give it a habit of time to go out, such as taking it out in a fixed time in the morning and evening. Then it must have a fixed and convenient place at home, and you wipe those places with vinegar. Dogs do not like the taste of vinegar, and the taste of vinegar that can leave it itself is also removed
    It to develop the habit of slipping in the morning and evening, it is not in the room a few times. It can also be found that it caught it in the room and took it to the urine to smell it. Steady speaking, it and gently hit it on its buttocks a few times. It took it to the toilet and told it to go to the toilet in the future.
    In finally, it is not recommended to buy auxiliary tools online. Specialized to remove the smell left by the dog's urine, forget what the name is, but it is very general 20.30, and it is about to cooperate with a induction agent. Spray it several times in the place where it goes to the toilet. At that time, you have to talk about urine and urine in your mouth, so that you can connect "urine" with movements. Let's talk about it.
    The dogs in my house prepare a cage for it to urinate. The benefit of urine in the cage is that you wo n’t step on your feet, and you wo n’t be everywhere. If there is a cage at home to let it sleep, it is best to buy a cage again, and put on its urine pad on the tray under the cage. Every time it eats, or just wakes up, he immediately hugs into the cage and looks at it. It urges that "urine
    urine" does not put it out without urine, and it consumes it with it. Essence If it is noisy and noisy, give it a toy (a container with a hole, it can be a plastic bottle, a few holes itself, there is food inside, and the taste is exuding. Play, slowly disordinate the cage

    . As soon as it pee, you can say "good" and reward it immediately with a very happy voice. PS: Dogs don't like peeing near the nest. There are also dogs' urine. I don't like to pull it in one place. My dog ​​is that if there is a stool in the urine place, people will not go, and they will urinate outside, so it will be separated from urine.
    The toilet urine:
    This to the toilet directly, urging to urinate and urine, it is also given to eat once the urine comes out. Are you going to work? Educating puppy sometimes needs time to grind. If you only teach it at night, it only goes to the toilet in the evening, there is no time during the day, it is difficult to succeed
    Put dog food, crush, seduce it to drink water, and pee after drinking water. This will allow it to urinate several times in the toilet. The chance of success is small. R n first find some water, put a dog food in or other flavor, in order to make the water taste, the dog loves to drink, let it drink more water, and then pull it out immediately. The water is short, so you can wait patiently outside. Remember to talk about urine
    It is placed on the ground, and the effect is better
    . Wait until it urinates out. When it immediately takes out a delicious reward, let it see your smiley face, you want to laugh exaggerated Let it know that it is happy and delicious to go to the toilet outside the toilet, and I remember it all at once.
    The stool is also brought out after eating, the same, just consumption. Essence Essence Then the other is the same as above
    , but the dog is used to urinating outside and is used to go home without urinating. It may be stunned for a day without taking it out without taking it out. Essence This is not good.
    On how to make puppies not urinate in the house?
    The puppy who just arrives at home needs to be trained to prevent it in the house casually.

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