4 thoughts on “What do you often go to the wire and cable industry? Intersection Intersection”

  1. It depends on that you have that needs, such as finding a job or recruiting many websites you go to be a cable! For example, in terms of technology, you must be a professional website for wire and cable. A lot of business is definitely a cable business website!

  2. I think the website of the cable recruitment network is good. Some time ago I was looking for a job in the post to work in the position of the job, and many of the websites of Yingcai.com voted their resumes. I only registered on the Internet for 3 days. Their customer service contacted me for the specific intention of job hunting. Soon, 5 factories called me to interview. Although the factory is not a very large size, it is good for others. I don't know which one to go to work among the two companies!

  3. Search in QQ. Many of the groups of wires and cables feel more straightforward than the forum. Technical exchanges and supply and demand information are available

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